Hello. please help.
i'm read this:
i have PANTUM P2500 with another MB: bichon SFP MB A v1.0 with Marvell 88PA6110-BRI2 and F/W:
in place of CN2 is W1F1 and in place of CN8 - J10. Short circuit W1F1 and J10 - does not put the printer into bootloader mode.
Would F/W P2500_3.A.0.3_Boot.bin be compatible with my MB ?
i'm have a problem with red diode - the diode is constantly lit red
i'm read this:
Instructions for firmware Pantum P2200 P2500 version (2.A.0.x, 3.A.0.x)
Instructions for flashing P2200 P2500 with Bichon4 main board (2.A.0.x, 3.A.0.x) 1. The program version must be 4.1 or higher 2. Remove the side cover from the USB cable connection side. 3. Close (with tweezers) the CN2 contacts and turn on the printer 4. The device should turn on in...

i have PANTUM P2500 with another MB: bichon SFP MB A v1.0 with Marvell 88PA6110-BRI2 and F/W:
in place of CN2 is W1F1 and in place of CN8 - J10. Short circuit W1F1 and J10 - does not put the printer into bootloader mode.
Would F/W P2500_3.A.0.3_Boot.bin be compatible with my MB ?
i'm have a problem with red diode - the diode is constantly lit red