Is it possible to revert to the previous firmware if Chipless activation fails?

Question about Chipless Firmware for WF-7210 and WF-7720 Printers​

I have a WF-7210 and a WF-7720. I want to get them both to have chipless firmwares but i wanted to make sure of this first. If for some reason the update fails or activation fails, is it possible to go back to the original firmware? If so, how do i do that? Just in case.

Previous Attempt and Concerns​

The reason i ask is, i tried 1 time already a few months ago. I tried to do it with the WF-7210. When it got to the activation stage, it went to like 50% but just would not continue, the bar just stayed there for hours, eventually the guy i talked to at the time said just assume its done and go on. Well it didn't work. So i want to make sure that if i try to do the process again, that if it fails, i can at least go back to the firmware on it now. Thanks.


Good day. You can't restore old firmware exactly, it is erased on update, but you will be able to flush latest version from official Epson site.

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