My Epson printer is stuck in Recovery Mode. How to solve?​

This message is displayed on the product’s LCD screen and you will be unable to perform any actions until this issue is resolved.

Possible Causes of Error​

This error can occur if the firmware update procedure is interrupted, e.g. accidental powering off the product, cables being removed, or the installation being canceled.

Steps to Resolve​

1. Install Epson original ink cartridges in your printer.
2. If Your WF2750 printer has stuck in Recovery Mode – run the application (at the bottom of this page), follow all 7 steps, and wait until the firmware update is finished.
3. Restart the printer - it has to be in ready to print mode.

Instructions for Ink Out Error​

If before Recovery mode your printer had an Ink Out error or other kind of errors - you have to run the application after you put the printer in special Firmware Update mode.

You have to press and hold a specific buttons combination on the printer panel to enter Firmware Update mode. You will see text in WHITE color on the printer's display - Program Update mode. If the text is in red color, that is the wrong mode. Try once more time.

Download Recovery Firmware​

Download Recovery Firmware here - If the link is not working, try

User Experience​

One user shared their experience of trying to update their XP-342 printer to be chipless and getting stuck in Recovery Mode. Despite facing challenges with firmware keys and unresponsiveness, they highlighted the need for assistance in fixing the printer.

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