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My Epson printer is stuck in Recovery Mode. How to solve?
This message is displayed on the product’s LCD screen and you will be unable to perform any actions until this issue is resolved.
Possible Causes of Error
This error can occur if the firmware update procedure is interrupted, e.g. accidental powering off the product, cables being removed, or the installation being canceled.
Steps to Resolve
1. Install Epson original ink cartridges in your printer.
2. If Your WF2750 printer has stuck in Recovery Mode – run the application (at the bottom of this page), follow all 7 steps, and wait until the firmware update is finished.
3. Restart the printer - it has to be in ready to print mode.
Instructions for Ink Out Error
If before Recovery mode your printer had an Ink Out error or other kind of errors - you have to run the application after you put the printer in special Firmware Update mode.
You have to press and hold a specific buttons combination on the printer panel to enter Firmware Update mode. You will see text in WHITE color on the printer's display - Program Update mode. If the text is in red color, that is the wrong mode. Try once more time.
Download Recovery Firmware
Download Recovery Firmware here - http://www.ChiplessSolutions.com/download/recovery/Recovery_wf2750.zip. If the link is not working, try http://www.chiplesssolutions.com/download/recovery/Recovery_wf2750.zip.
User Experience
One user shared their experience of trying to update their XP-342 printer to be chipless and getting stuck in Recovery Mode. Despite facing challenges with firmware keys and unresponsiveness, they highlighted the need for assistance in fixing the printer.
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