Questions About Updating Firmware for Epson Printer​

John's Issue with Updating Firmware in Program Update Mode​


I would like to buy the chipless solution for the C5790 Epson printer. I downloaded the firmware from the page and updated using the Program Update Mode, then got error code 060008 because it must be updated using normal mode. The problem is that when I updated the printer in Program Update Mode, the screen showed version CV14I9, not CV99Z9 as the RAR file says in the new firmware. Is this ok? If I apply the activation license key, will it work? I would like to know the difference between these two versions and what is fixed in one compared to the other.

Issues with Updating Firmware to CV99Z9 Version​

In normal mode, the CV99Z9 firmware downloaded from the page, when finished uploading the new firmware, says Transfer complete then Version confirmed, but won't get to 100% and finish properly. After 10 minutes, it shows an error message that the firmware may not have been updated. The printer still shows firmware version CV14I9. I would like to buy your codes instead of the Chinese one from WinnerJet Donnguan to try it.

Seeking Help and Clarification​

Hello @John_Admin,

I saw in another post you made that the firmware update does not get to 100%, it gets to about 80%. I tried in Program Update Mode but it will not update and show that particular version (CV99Z9), it shows version CV14I9 after updating. I need the printer to be chipless. What are the steps I must take to make this happen considering the information I have provided? I'm ready to buy the key at the moment I can successfully upgrade the firmware. Thank you for your reply.

Discussion about Firmware Update Issues​

Struggling with Firmware Update to CV99Z9 Version​

After updating using the firmware downloaded from the chiplessolutions page (CV99Z9), specified for WF-C5790. The printer will not update to version CV99Z9, it stays on CV14I9. Using the program update mode and normal mode, the update won't get to 100%, only reaching about 80% and not successfully updating on the printer, which reboots and still shows CV14I9.

Clarification on Using License.exe and Bought Key​

Hello guys ( @John_Admin), If I activate using the Licence.exe and the key I bought, will it work? I have CV14I9 on another EPSOn C5790 Printer working. Before you updated to CV99Z9 (not able to see this version on screen after updating).

Explanation on Version Display and Activation Key Usage​

Is it clear for you this time? You can buy and use the Activation Key now! Thank you so much John, now it's clear.

Contact Admin​

Mobile/Zalo: 0915 589 236

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