Active Chipless Epson XP-15000 - Reading Failed - 1


I was able to complete the firmware update using EPFWUPD.exe (screen turned black and printer restarted), but when I go to do the license activation, the printer is detected on USB002, but when I click Activate Online, I get the error "Reading Failed - 1"

I thought the problem was my cable, but I can print normally using the USB cable (Network disabled on the printer, and using OEM ink).
Câu hỏi này đề cập đến một vấn đề trong ngành máy in, đó là "Đọc thất bại" của Chipless Epson XP-15000. Ở đây, ngữ cảnh không đủ để hiểu rõ ý nghĩa của "Đọc thất bại". Tuy nhiên, phần lớn câu trả lời có thể là vấn đề lỗi trong quá trình đọc tín hiệu hoặc dữ liệu từ trong máy in.


New member
Hi, I've tried the linked firmware and the printer says it accepts it but when it reboots it still comes up as 20.44.19O7 which is the latest. Without the downgrade I cant do the activation. Any tips?


Staff member
Hi, I've tried the linked firmware and the printer says it accepts it but when it reboots it still comes up as 20.44.19O7 which is the latest. Without the downgrade I cant do the activation. Any tips?
Run in service mode :


Staff member
Do not care about firmware version. Reboot your printer then try to active chipless firmware with chipless serial key.


New member
Do not care about firmware version. Reboot your printer then try to active chipless firmware with chipless serial key.
Fails. The Chipless activation software doesn't seem to be able to connect or read from the printer. I've tried 3 different cables. They all work for flashing, but activation fails.

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