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Issue with License Program and Printer Selection​


Dear Support - I have no issues changing the firmware (firmware version: CL21l2) BUT when I run License program I get a blank in the printer selection - I have tried different versions as well and three different Windows 10 computers. Same results

Request for Help​

Please see if you can help


- Try to replace USB cable
- Please provide screenshots
- How many printers are installed in your PC?
- Just the one through the USB printer cable BUT I do have a laser Network printer

Troubleshooting Steps​

- I can see my printer Via USB in Program Update Mode
- Try to connect to other USB port
- Then restart the printer
- Reboot PC
- Disable all USB processes
- Is your Epson scan utility in use? Shut it down also
- Have tried different cables
- Also make sure that USB connection is not disabled on the printer in the settings:
1. Press the home button, if necessary.
2. Select Settings.
3. Select General Settings.
4. Select Printer Settings.
5. Scroll down and select PC Connection via USB.
6. Select Enable.

LOL that was it so simple thanks I will purchase the license and let you know how I go thanks again


Is this the one I purchase?

No. You don't need Firmware Key. You need Activation Key!!
Please follow Step by Step Guide - https://www.2manuals.com/product_info.php?cPath=107&products_id=1837
You will find answers on all questions.

Contact Admin​

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Mr. Miền

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